How to Backup Your Synology NAS to Google Drive Using Hyper Backup?

Google Drive can act as a good backup storage for Synology NAS, as it’s a popular storage solution with a user-friendly interface that makes it easy to use cloud storage.
With Synology Hyper Backup application, integrating Synology backup with Google Drive becomes much easier.
– Synology NAS device with Hyper Backup Application Installed
– Google Account with Folder Created Inside Google Drive
– Ensure there is enough storage space on Google Drive
– An internet connection to your Synology NAS
Setup Hyper Backup with Google Drive:
Step – 1 – Install Hyper Backup Application on Your Synology NAS
On Synology web management portal, open Package Center App:

Search for Hyper Backup and Click “install”:

Step – 2 – Create Folder for NAS Backup in Google Drive:
Open Google Drive and Click on “New” then “New Folder”:

Give the Folder a proper name, then click “Create”:

Step – 3 – Create a Backup Job to Google Drive:
From Hyper Backup Application Windows, Click on the Icon to add a new Backup Job:

Select “Folder and Packages”, then “Next”:

For the Backup Destination, Select “Google Drive” then Click “Next”:

When you click “Next”, another window of your browser will open, here you need to sign in to your Gmail account, you can either select from the already logged in or login to another Account:

Grant permissions to Synology Hyper Backup:

Here, click on “Agree”:

On the Destination Settings, select the folder created in the previous step:

Give the Directory name, then click on “Next”:

For the Data Backup, you can choose which shared folder you want to backup, or choose the entire Volume, here I will choose the Entire Volume1:

If you want to Backup an Application, you can choose here:

Here you can choose the backup schedule, and also choose if you would like to enable Client-Side Encryption, which will be more secure to transfer the data over the internet:

Next, you can choose how many copies of the backup you would like to keep on Google Drive:

Now, review and click on “Done”:

Step – 4 – Test and Restore the Backup:
You can test the backup by clicking on “Back Up Now” button:

To restore from the Backup, check this article, it’s applicable for Google Drive Backup Also.
Backing up your Synology NAS to Google Drive with Hyper Backup is simple and reliable. By following this guide, you can set up automated backups and secure your data in the cloud, ensuring easy restoration whenever needed.
If you prefer local Backup, You can always backup your Synology to another server, using Rsync